Thank you for visiting Quan's Travels! We're a group of young adults that are just really into photographing and journaling about the different places we've traveled to. Our hope is to give our readers a reliable source for their prospective journeys ahead. Whether you're planning an itinerary or just looking for inspiration, this is the perfect site for adventure-seekers.
This website is entirely custom built! Here's a really short and nerdy explanation for how it all works: it's written using GatsbyJS, a React-based framework which has intelligent page load speeds and image rendering optimizations, perfect for a heavy photo-reliant travel blog. Content is managed by Sanity, an open-source headless content management system that supports custom schemas, which lets us build out some of the amazing templates that you see in our blog pages. Both the frontend and CMS are hosted on Netlify, which handles all of the platforming workload. It unifies all the tools that comes with building a website, like handling new changes to the code or managing website security.
Point is, building a website can be very difficult! Hundreds of hours have been spent on developing the infrastructure that you are using, and this is excluding all the other work needed to handle a blog (writing, photo editing, etc.) However, having that extra control over the user experience is worth the effort and simply outclasses the customization options from costly third-party application like Wix or SquareSpace. Quan's Travels is designed for our readers, and by being free of ads, cookies and trackers, it lets users explore the blog's content to its fullest extent without worrying about their own privacy.
This website generates zero revenue. Most of the cost of maintaining the site comes out-of-pocket, but you can help by buying us a coffee! All contributions will be invested in the services (listed above) that we use to provide our content.